• Comprehensive implementation of voting systems

  • Design and supply of conference systems

  • Support for General Meetings


1960 +


974.211 +

IT projects

12 +

Since 14 years on the market

MWC is the largest provider of voting systems, conferencing systems and services for streaming and audio/video transcription services in Poland.

Zapraszamy do współpracy!

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Poland's most popular document distribution and voting system for local governments.



Largest streaming platform for Polish local governments to broadcast deliberations.



The most popular system for creating transcriptions of audio and video materials using AI.

Voting and election systems

Our services

Do you want to hold an election or are you looking for a system for cyclic voting? Contact us and we will offer you a solution tailored to your needs.

We have been in the voting business for over 11 years, and our systems have already conducted over 1.5 million votes!

Contact us for a quote

Votings online

Real-time voting systems


Systems for multi-day online voting

Voting at the polls

Ballot counting systems


Electronic distribution of draft resolutions


Built-in text and audio/video communication modules


Integration with external Zoom/Teams applications, etc.

Conference systems

Official distributor


The most flexible conference system on the market. Wired, wireless and built-in.


Top-of-the-line conference systems for the most demanding customers.


Premium conference systems from a European manufacturer.


Economical and proven solutions - the most popular conference system in Poland.

Comprehensive service of General Meetings

Our services

Are you looking for a proven and experienced partner to organize and service the General Meeting of your company or other entity? Contact us for a complete quotation for this project.

Explore our offer


We offer comprehensive participant registration services


We provide microphones and sound system


We supply projectors and TV screens


We provide desktop, remote and hybrid voting services


We provide online transmission of the assembly

Area of operation

We operate throughout Poland and remotely around the world.

New products

Our projects


System for quizzes, surveys, polls

SEND.vote is a new platform for conducting instant quizzes, polls and plebiscites among participants of small and large events. It is an exceptionally intuitive system, in which in a matter of minutes you can you prepare the vote and generate a special QR code, which event participants can scan with their smartphone and take part in the vote without logging in.

Learn more

Sygnali.pl platform

Handling whistleblower notifications

Sygnali to bezpieczna internetowa platforma umożliwiająca Twojej firmie lub instytucji publicznej przyjmowanie zgłoszeń od tzw. SYGNALISTÓW.
Sygnali operates in the SaaS model, i.e. it does not require local implementation inside your company, and is entirely hosted on our company's professional dedicated servers.

Learn more

WZA24 - voting system

Online voting

WZA24 is a fully KPH-compliant system dedicated to voting. With WZA24, it is possible to conduct any type of voting, including election voting, for up to 5,000 participants simultaneously. The system features such functions as split voting, proxy function, dual authorization by SMS code, built-in communicator, built-in preview function of the meeting transmission and many others.

Learn more

Among others, we are trusted by.

Our customers

Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny UPS Polskie Radio S.A. Platforma Obywatelska Mc Donalds Polska
Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie Aquanet Krajowa Rada Komornicza Lewiatan Siemens Gamesa
Adwokatura polska Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu SGB - Spółdzielcza Grupa Bankowa Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi Okręgowa Izba Lekarska w Warszawie